

今回も自分的勉強忘備録です。米国はイランが1979年の革命で米国大使館を占拠した事件以来、イランに対して敵意を抱いてきた。今日の原文は毎日新聞の日本語記事です。ここでは「(敵意を)抱く」の動詞について考えてみます。すぐに思いつくのはhave a grud…

cast off


lay down a marker

体操男子が37年ぶりに団体で金メダルを獲得したニュースで、銀メダルを獲った英国選手のコメントが紹介されていました。"China and Japan have dominated for so many years. You expect them to be first and second. We have laid down a marker that they…

proverbial frog/boiling frog

先の記事で、よくわからない表現があったので調べてみました。The biggest worry should be that most Japanese are not worried behaving like the proverbial frog happily luxuriating in warm water that is being heated, ignorant that it will soon b…

attribute to

The ministry attributes the increase to greater efforts by schools to tackle and report bullying, praising them for "acting quickly to catch even the light cases." [10/28 JT]今日は一面の"Bullying reports up amid stronger effort by schools:…


The number of Japanese women in the workforce has increased, almost to U.S.participation levels, but they are not making an impact in the C-suites yet.[10/27付 JT•Abe's magic doesn't workより]C-suites---CEO,COO,CFOなどの肩書きがついてい…

de facto husband
