run counter to



12/8 JT 

"Japan has little to gain by resuming its whale hunt"

run counter to : 背反する、食い違う

The Japanese government's decision to send the whaling fleet to the Antarctic defies a decision by the International Court of Justice in March that the humting of whales in the numbers planned runs counter to Japan's international legal obligations.

draconian : 法律などが厳しい

draconian secrecy law 

quibble : 曖昧な言葉 

adduce : 例として挙げる、列挙する

flout : 法律や規則を無視する

vilification : 中傷、悪口

formidable : 恐るべき大きい

mollify : 感情を和らげる

garner votes : 票を得る